Elk and Blessings

Kids develop so fast.  A short week or so ago, Kinsley wouldn’t sit through a thorough reading of ‘A Gaggle of Geese and a Clutter of Cats’. Or other books of similar density.  The past couple days he can’t get enough of them.  Yesterday I read every word, and every page, he repeated one of the animal group terms. (E.g. “Tanroo troup” = kangaroo troup) Usually the one pictured, of course. Should I be worried that this page is his current favorite animal?

IMG_5790I can always hope it’s because “elk gang” is easy to say and because we saw elk last November



A whole gang of them!!

When I tried to take a picture of Kinsley reading the book with me this morning, he made a face at the camera.  And it was too dark.


But I am posting the memory because there was one particular page he had me read over and over and over and over.  Until I had to get up for making breakfast.  I like the page too:

“Now here’s a fine group. What’s the name? Please keep guessing!  A big group of kids? Why we call them a BLESSING!!”

Here’s a blessing we saw recently. Kinsley was so excited that everyone was painting.



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