A kangaroo, a guitar and a hammer

Note: I just realized that over half of the people we added to the blog email weren’t actually getting the posts.(Read: anyone that I added – Cal knew how to add them correctly!) That said, if anyone got added mistakenly, go to horlings.net to unsubscribe

Kinsley went to a friend’s house the other day, and found other friends too.  I love the diversity of his tastes.  Animals (real or stuffed), music of any kind, tools of any kind!



Here he is with our cat Tip (a couple months ago)IMG_5631


And dogsitting Max
IMG_5643 IMG_5650

And keeping Seth, a friend’s dog, company.  IMG_5652

Working with Mommy to make a lion and a tiger


Improvising tools when needed – notice the second stick by his hand on the porch – there were several tools being improvised.  (This was before Christmas, and tools were still forgotten on the Christmas list, but an aunt with two boys of her own sent him a toolbox)IMG_5687

And helping out on our field trip to the Choctaw office SaturdayIMG_0590



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